Fashion Event Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts

Fashion Event Etiquette: Do's and Don'ts

Attending a fashion event can be an exciting experience, whether it's a runway show, fashion week, or industry party. However, understanding the etiquette and expectations of such gatherings is essential to make the most of your time and leave a positive impression. Here are some do's and don'ts to keep in mind when attending fashion events:

Proper Attire

Do: Dress to impress. Fashion events are a great opportunity to showcase your personal style and make a statement. Make sure to follow the dress code specified for the event, whether it's black tie, cocktail attire, or avant-garde fashion.

Don't: Underdress or overdo it. Avoid being too casual or too extravagant, as you don't want to stand out for the wrong reasons.


Do: Be social and open to networking. Fashion events are not only about admiring the latest trends but also about connecting with like-minded individuals in the industry. Introduce yourself, exchange business cards, and engage in meaningful conversations.

Don't: Be too aggressive or pushy. Remember to be professional and respectful in your interactions. Avoid bombarding people with your business pitches or coming off as overly eager.

Social Media Etiquette

Do: Capture the moment on social media. Share your experience at the fashion event through photos and posts on platforms like Instagram and Twitter. Tag the designers, brands, and fellow attendees to stay connected and show appreciation.

Don't: Overshare or post without consent. Respect the privacy of others and be mindful of what you share online. Seek permission before posting pictures of individuals and avoid posting anything inappropriate or controversial.

Etiquette in the Front Row

Do: Arrive on time and take your seat courteously. If you have a front-row seat at a runway show, be mindful of the people around you and avoid obstructing their view. Silence your phone and refrain from distractions during the presentation.

Don't: Cause disruptions or be inconsiderate. Refrain from blocking the view of others, talking loudly, or causing distractions that can detract from the event.

Thank You Notes

Do: Express gratitude after the event. Send thank you notes or emails to the hosts, organizers, and anyone you've connected with at the fashion event. Showing appreciation demonstrates your professionalism and leaves a lasting impression.

Don't: Forget to follow up. Keeping in touch with contacts you've made can lead to valuable connections and opportunities in the future. Stay in touch with a friendly email or message to maintain relationships.